Dr. William Durbin
So little is understood about the ancient art of Karate, mainly because the
purpose for it's existence has changed so radically in just the last seventy
years. Prior to the mid nineteen hundreds, Karate was little known outside of
Okinawa, and unknown outside of Japan. Honestly speaking, there were no masters
of Karate outside of Okinawa until at the very earliest, the 1930s.
On Okinawa the art was practiced as a hidden weapon of self defense. At that
early date there were no competitive forms of the art, though the Okinawan
martial artists were known to have engaged in a type of wresting match in order
to test the strength they had developed in their martial arts training. They
felt that the actual striking aspect of their Karate was entirely too dangerous
to play with in any form of competitive activity.
When we look at the typical Karate practitioner today, and the common attitude
towards martial arts in general, we will see a radical difference between the
current point of view and that held in the past. First of all, in the past, a
Karate practitioner was a person of honor, peace, and integrity. Generally, in
the early years of the century, a Karateka was a person who was of the royalty,
whose job it was to protect the royal family and maintain the peace of the
nation. Those who were not of the royalty would have been trained by the first
of the Karate masters, which would have been men trained by those of past royal
Sakugawa, whom we are told was the first public Karate teacher on Okinawa,
taught Matsumura, whom it is believed trained Yasutsune Itosu, Yasutsune Azato,
and Kanryo Higashionna. These three men then taught those who introduced Karate
to the twentieth century generation. Among those being; Gichin Funakoshi, Choki
Motobu, Kenwa Mabuni, Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Chojun Miyagi, Kanbun
Uechi, and Kentsu Yabu.
Some of these men specifically helped transform Karate into a form that kept
the original Okinawan art hidden from outsiders while making it more of a form
of physical culture. This began with Yasutsune Itosu, who introduced Karate
into the school system as a form of physical fitness. Later his main students
were to introduce his method of teaching to the Japanese public. These men were
specifically; Gichin Funakoshi, Kenwa Mabuni, and Choki Motobu. Itosu also
helped Chojun Miyagi create the modern teaching curriculum used in the Goju Ryu
schools of instruction.
It is said that competition grew out of the interaction which took place
between the Japanese university clubs. According to the late Masatoshi
Nakayama, when the schools would get together for training sessions, the young
men would begin engaging in Yakusoku, prearranged, Kumite. Those throwing the
attacks would do their best to actually hit their visiting partners from other
colleges. They of course would respond in kind by actually hitting their
attackers back during the counter. Eventually these would turn into brawls.
Therefore, many Japanese instructors, rather than correcting the behavior of
their students, started developing rules for a form of free sparring. By 1936,
there were fairly formal rules for competing, some crediting Gogen Yamaguchi
with the best methods, most appropriate, and safe set of rules.
Prior to modern times, Karate, better known in the ancient times as either;
Bushi Te (the warrior hand), Kempo (the fist law), or Tode (Tang hand); was in
fact deadly. What, may be asked is the difference between real combat Karate
and modern sport Karate? The answer would best be phrased; Kimete.
During some of the modern, so called full contact or realistic fighting
competitions, what we are really seeing is how little skill the competitors
actually have in martial arts ability. Some of these martial artists get in
clean punches to their opponents, yet inflict little damage. Yet if we look at
some of the verified stories of Karateka of the past, we will find that their
skills were considerably greater than these modern gladiators.
The first story deals with the great Kempo Karate master Choki Motobu. At age
fifty six, Choki was visiting Tokyo, seeing his good friend Yamaguchi. At the
time there was a heavyweight boxer from Europe visiting Japan, putting on
boxing exhibitions, where he would take on all comers. Motobu and Yamaguchi
went to an exhibition, where the boxer was defeating all comers. Yamaguchi
asked Choki if he thought there were any fighters on Okinawa who could defeat
the boxer and Motobu responded in the affirmative. His friend expressed
disbelief in the fact that Okinawa could produce such fighters when Japan did
Motobu took such a doubt as an insult to Okinawa, Okinawan martial arts, and to
Choki himself. When the promoter asked for any volunteers from the audience,
Choki stepped into the ring. After a brief feeling out period, Choki ended the
fight with a hard blow. He inflicted so much damage that the man never regained
consciousness and ended up dying.
The next story deals with a young man by the name of Ankichi Arakaki who was a
very thin and slight man. Yet he was totally devoted to martial arts training.
Once when out with a group of his friends, he was attacked by a Sumo wrestler,
who was well over six feet tall and extremely heavy. Arakaki did his best to
avoid the fight but the Sumo would not relent, physically assaulting the much
smaller man. Finally, Ankichi delivered one kick to the Sumo's abdomen, which
hurt the man so much that he stopped fighting. Six months later the man died
due to complications caused by the kick.
This is the essential aspect of the ancient Okinawan style of Karate. True
Karate is absolutely deadly. The Okinawans knew they could not 'play' with
their art, for to do so was to invite death. Someone was going to die, or at
the very least be seriously injured, if two Karateka fought. That is why it was
not the Okinawans who invented competition, but rather the Japanese.
Both Motobu and Arakaki had Kimete. Kimete is a quality that can be developed
by martial artists today, but there must be a change of mind for this to come
about. First of all, Karateka of today need to let go of the idea of
competition. Only when a person stops wanting to fight is it possible for them
to develop the true level of skills necessary for Kimete. For a person to
participate in tournament play, they must water down their true combat skills,
or else people will die in the tournaments. It calls to mind the police officer
who had developed real street fighting ability through his Kempo training, yet
yearly he participated in a tournament held in his native state of Florida. The
problem was that each year he generally did some damage to other competitors,
one year seriously breaking and damaging the nasal area of his opponent.
The more genuine Karate skills are, the less they can be used in a tournament.
Kimete, accurately translated, means 'the winning move'. It is made up of two
Kanji, the first Kime and the second Te. Kime literally means 'decision' or
'decisiveness', but is generally used in the martial arts to stand for focus.
Focus, in the martial arts sense, means that one decides where their punch or
kick is going to go and then let's nothing stop them from delivering that blow.
In practice, the focus is one inch outside the opponent's body. This is known
as Sun dome. In combat, the focus is one or two inches inside the body. This
causes Ikken hissatsu, one blow certain death, also known as, Naibu Hakai,
inner destruction. When one has this type of ability, they cannot afford to
engage in play, the skills are simply too dangerous. Te of course is hand, but
also means, move or skill. Thus Te can refer to the individual technique or
method a person is using. Te can also be translated person, so that in regard
to the martial arts the person is the art or the skill.
Kimete then means 'a person who is decisive', or 'a person who wins'. In the
old days on Okinawa, the idea was not to fight at all, for to do so was to
endanger life. In order for the skills to be truly functional as serious self
defense, they had to be deadly. Not only did they learn to use focus properly
to transmit the maximum force into a target, but they also learned to focus on
the vital points of an assailant.
The power punches of Choki Motobu were still aimed at body cavities, such as
the solar plexus, for maximum effect. When Ankichi Arakaki aimed a kick into
the abdomen of an opponent, it was with an upward movement, which would
compress and damage the internal organs. Slighter men, and women, were taught
to target the eyes, or throat cavity, in order to be able to take down a much
larger opponent.
Kimete meant the winning move. It was not in the sense of scoring a point, it
was in the sense of Ikken hissatsu. To do less than end a confrontation with
one move, was to invite one's own death. In true combat you may only get one
chance to save your life.
The Bushi many times used grappling skills in their jobs as guards to the
royalty and protectors of the citizenry. But they were not the grappling skills
we see today in the senseless competitions proclaiming the grappling moves of
current competitors. Rather these were throws that were designed to end a
confrontation by rendering the person helpless, injure them in the fall, or put
them in a position to be finished off with a strike while the person was on the
For people wanting to compete and play the martial games or sports, Kimete is
not important, but to those who want legitimate self defense skills, which can
save their lives on the street, it is essential. Kimete is as much a development
of the mind, as it is of the body. But the truth is, true Kimete is achieved
when the mind and the body are unified. This is why there developed in China
the martial art known as I Chuan, 'will fist'. This art, by it's very name,
showed that martial arts skill must be mindful. As the great Okinawan stylist,
Dr. Rod Sacharnoski, is fond of saying, "You hit with your mind, not your
Kimete is the development of the mind. It is focusing each technique, with the
mind and body totally integrated, so that each move is guaranteed to do the
maximum effect. Each throw, each hit, each move, is inexorable. It is a mind
that is filled with Ki, freely directed through the body. Practice is simply in
doing the moves with total focus. Whenever a move is practiced with focus,
there is the development of Kimete.
It is hoped that this article will inspire the practice of the martial arts in
the ancient and traditional way. For those who want to play the martial arts
game, it is important that they do not develop Kimete for the safety and sake
of their fellow competitors. But for police officers, military personal, and
for those citizens who truly want combat effective, personal skills of defense,
then practice each move with focus, practice with Sundome and Naibu Hakai, and
then you will develop the skill of Kimete, the skill of the 'winning move'.